Bart and Lisa Go Head-to-Head

This is a very quick test of your ability to make sense of some fairly simple data.

Every year Summerfield Junior High awards a prize to the member of its quiz team who has the highest average score over a series of games against rival schools Winterfield High and Springpark High. This year Bart and Lisa are Summerfield's highest scoring quiz team members. Your job is to work out as quickly and efficiently as you can which of the two should be awarded the prize.

Here's some sample data:

Opponent: Winterfield High
  Bart Lisa
Games Played 100 100
Total Score 1000 100
Average 10 1

Opponent: Springpark High
  Bart Lisa
Games Played 100 100
Total Score 1000 100
Average 10 1

Hopefully you find this very easy. Bart has a higher average against both schools and a higher overall average (he's played 200 games wth an average score of 10, Lisa has played 200 games with an average score of 1). So Bart wins the prize. That's all you have to be able to work out (though obviously the data is going to be a little more challenging). To begin, press the button below, which will reveal the data and start the timer. (Then once you've worked out whether Bart or Lisa has the highest overall score, make your selction, and press Submit.)

Really Deep Thought

Distrust everyone in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!
   --Friedrich Nietzsche.

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