Philosophical Health Check

The PHC will only take about 5 minutes of your time. We're going to present you with 30 statements. All you've got to do is to indicate whether you agree or disagree with each statement. If you're not sure, then select the response that is closest to your opinion (and then take this into account at the analysis stage).

You should note that the PHC does not judge whether your responses are right or wrong. The important thing is simply to respond as honestly as possible. Each statement is carefully worded, so you need to pay at least a little bit of attention!

Really Deep Thought

Morality in Europe today is herd animal morality - in other words, as we understand it, merely one type of human morality besides which, before which, and after which many other types, above all higher moralities, are, or ought to be, possible.
   --Friedrich Nietzsche.

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